Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 1 - First day at Standley Lake!

We've been waiting for May 1, the day Standley Lake (the one right behind our house) opens up for boating...boys had the day memorized. We didn't make it out until the afternoon due to baseball and soccer, but we did it! You can see by the clothing it was pretty chilly, and it was windy - but still awesome to be out there on our own boat! So many times we've been at the shoreline fishing, or even just throwing rocks in, collecting shells, watching the other boats launch - this time it was us. : ) We are so very blessed! Didn't fish yet, but the fish finder found a few!

We saw parts of the lake we'd never seen or known about - a small "island" with tons of pelicans, trees absolutely full of nests, too many bird species to list.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the ship was moving along pretty good considering the CREW was full of chips!
