Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Highlights of Summer, Part 1...

...because I've been so lazy about posting, looks like it's time to get some stuff on here!
School starts in 6 days, so we're at the tail end here. I've said before that I sometimes feel that this blog is one long Christmas letter, but that no one would want to read the mundane/not-fun parts of our lives. I've realized something else about that - by posting these pictures, and stories, it helps me focus on these good things - the many blessings I (we) do have. And to see that the other stuff (dryer broke! Cavities!) simply doesn't have the same worth.

One of the true highlights of the summer was Vacation Bible School at our church. We didn't have it last year due to renovations in the building, so kids were really looking forward to it this year. They went each morning for a week - and loved it. Yes, "they" - even CC got to go! She had such a good time and didn't hesitate to say good-bye to me even the first day. I know it helped that her brothers were there, and her babysitter, and some neighbors...
Lots of fun, upbeat music every day, definitely the favorite part. Brendan is on the left with his black baseball hat backwards. The theme was "The High Seas" and all the songs, crafts, activities were around that. Here's the "set" for the stage - this is the "other" Brendan and Andrew (and brother Lucas) (many of you know that story!) in the picture with the Bakers.

Some pictures of a hike we took up Bald Mountain, outside of Boulder, in July. Every time we go for a hike, I can't believe we don't do it every weekend. Then again...CC is not a huge fan. "Hold you me! I'm tired of walking!" But all 3 love finding bugs, CC finding flowers, Andrew throwing rocks.
I don't know how CC is so calm in this picture, with the ladybug on her face! Also not sure how Andrew's hand (trying to take the ladybug off CC's face!) is not in the pic!
So, this video is so fun. After the hike we went to Pearl Street in Boulder, a pedestrial mall that has tons of "buskers" (street entertainers) especially in the summer. Kids were selected from the crowd...I never did ask them how it smelled in that box! uck!

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