Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We're baaaa-aackkk....

Yeah, yeah, it's been forever. No reason, excuse, etc. - just that after a certain point of not posting it then started to seem like an insurmountable task to try to catch up. So, I'm not even going to try to catch up - just post some stuff that I remember or was interesting!

Here's our long-haired little man...no more buzz cuts for Andrew! Been growing it out for a few months now - it's not "styled" here (yep, we even put product in it : )) - but what a cute smile.

And speaking of hairstyles - here's little sister bear after I curled it a bit, and she's wearing one of my necklaces. Funny to see this picture - just the other day picked up the pieces of those sunglasses in the back seat of the car to toss out!
This I do remember - it's September 5 - our 12th wedding anniversary. We splurged and went out to dinner at one of our favorite grown-up restaurants - and brought the kids. Here they are toasting their Shirley Temples. (note that Andrew's hair has been combed recently)
Same anniversary dinner! A couple of weeks earlier - Jason's birthday. I enjoyed the very devilish look and color of this photo! Birthday cake, every year = choc on choc (chocolate cake, chocolate frosting)
Random, but funny - CC dressed herself to step out into the rainy night. She was so excited to have a reason to use the princess umbrella - just doesn't rain that much here!

Fresh from the garden - zucchini. First year growing it, even though I know it's the "easiest." This one we let get a little too big!
More on this later - football for the first time for Brendan. This was the first time he put on the pads and helmet - I was gushing and had to take a picture.
Okay, I've broken the seal of no posts...will do more very soon!!
ps - Mike - your turn!!

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