Thursday, December 16, 2010

The three guys in back

Some of you know that Andrew was lucky enough to be chosen as a "Junior Rapid" for their last playoff game at home. He got a little Rapids uniform (to keep!) but best of all, he got to escort a player (from the opposing team) onto the field, hold his hand, and stay with him through the playing of the National Anthem - all out in the middle of the field. Being a playoff game, the place was packed! It was also crazy freezing cold that night. Jason and Andrew went, and Jason helped in the locker room, getting all the kiddos into their uniforms. The first picture is actually Andrew (blurry) running off the field after the Anthem. I think the running off the field, into the locker room, was his favorite part! They all just tore across the field. Here he is walking out - Andrew is the very last kiddo you see, he's actually walking out with the goalie - in this picture you can see the goalie leaning in to talk to Andrew. : ) Jason said they talked the whole way out onto the field.

Santa came to our house the first weekend of December - he showed up on a Friday night with some elves, riding on a fire truck. Rang the doorbell and came right in! Had some neighbors over and one by one, they sat on Santa's lap, told him their wishes, and got a bag of treats.

CC: "A gingerbread house, the kind you don't eat, you just play with." Andrew went first, actually! "A thing that moves, that I control with a remote control." Brendan: "Hex Bugs Bridge Battle, please." (A bit more specific than the others!)

Okay, this one will bring a smile to your face, guaranteed. This is Brendan's 4th Grade Holiday Band Concert this week. Keep in mind, these kiddos have only been playing their given instruments for 3 1/2 months. Brendan is one of the "3 guys in back" playing the trombone, nope, you can't see him, but you can hear him! He loved the kudos his band instructor gave them.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Deep thoughts.

CC with reindeer face painting, holding a reindeer cookie.

CC: "Did Santa name the reindeer?" I vote yes - any other opinions? Really, who else would have named them? (their parents, I guess - but Donner was not a great father figure to Rudolph...)

Andrew: "When the day ends, which direction does it go in? This way, that way, or that way?" On that, I said west.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Halloween - before Christmas!

Just had to get the Halloween pictures up before the Christmas ones take over. This pumpkin was an ambitious effort started by Katy, who got frustrated, then was finished by Jason. I learned not to try such an intricate pattern on a HUGE thick pumpkin. We've also learned not to carve our pumpkins until the 30th or 31st so they don't get all mushy and sad looking.
Starting out trick or treating, with the neighbors. Can you tell which are the Bakers? (minus the cat, she's pretty obvious)
This (recycled) costume was the big hit this year. Please note the lego guy "hands" - my favorite part. Yes, he can see - there are small slits in the eyes.

CC's pumpkin!! Drew herself and then we carved together.

Halloween party at Invesco Field (Mile High Stadium)