Thursday, December 9, 2010

Deep thoughts.

CC with reindeer face painting, holding a reindeer cookie.

CC: "Did Santa name the reindeer?" I vote yes - any other opinions? Really, who else would have named them? (their parents, I guess - but Donner was not a great father figure to Rudolph...)

Andrew: "When the day ends, which direction does it go in? This way, that way, or that way?" On that, I said west.


  1. It's my guess that Mrs. Claus (also known as Jessica) was the one that named the reindeer. Santa was too busy overseeing the toyshop to look after the reindeer. Mrs. Claus was the stay at home wife who watched over the reindeer and the farm on which she planted and grew the magic corn (that made the reindeer fly). Rumor was that she once had a uncle named Blitzen and also loved dancing so much her nickname was Prancer. Just a thought.

  2. Mike, thanks for the insight - I do like that theory, will share with CC. Didn't know about the dancing part! : )
