Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

2010 - I really like the look and feel of that number, and have high hopes for this year. I've been thinking for a while of keeping a blog to share our lives with far-away family and friends who don't always get to see the antics of the young Bakers (and old!) This is the year!


  1. I agree - 2010 is a great number and think it is going to be a great year, too! I am impressed that you have started a blog and am excited that I will get to see more of you and your family on these pages! Happy 2010!

    Miss you,

  2. Great idea-I am looking forward to more news of The Bakers to follow-Also enjoyed Jasons selection of reading material-love to all-Mema

  3. WOW!!!Brendan, that is amazing,great job, and pretty nice sharing with Andrew,probably best not to get Cecelia involved.Love to all,and Jason keep an eye out for UPS aroung Wednesday,Love Mema
