Friday, February 12, 2010

Olympics, Kiddo Rock Band, etc.

We are very excited for the Olympic Opening Ceremony tonight and plan to watch it with the kids. I feel a bit of a connection as I was lucky enough to spend a good deal of time in Vancouver, as it was the headquarters for my former company, Intrawest, who in fact operates Whistler where some of the events will take place. In my time at Intrawest I made some lasting friendships, and one of those friends, Michelle, actually carried the Olympic torch on Friday! I am so proud and happy for her. Many times I had an amazing tour guide to the very coolest parts of Vancouver, thanks to Jill! I did try my best when she came to our cow-town, but it's not quite the same. :)

On a separate note, I try every day to count my blessings in this life. Recently it's been easier than ever, as I have been working a little bit doing tax prep for a local office. Some of the stories of the folks that came in January were heartbreaking, it's been a very difficult couple of years for some, and for others, it's been difficult for much longer. One woman had her grown children, and her sister and her family living with her, and after 2 family members and her dog had serious illnesses, was desperate for her tax return simply to pay the rent and catch up on utility bills. How lucky I am to have the life I do, and I truly thank God for that.

Ok, happier ending - I hope I'm not overloading everyone on the cuteness factor, but I just have to include this little was totally impromptu, initiated by CC, and requested to "video" by Brendan - it was also a glorious bicker-free moment in our house as I was getting dinner ready.
Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

  1. Who are those huge kids? And I didn't know you had such a rock and roll/dancing family!
