Thursday, February 4, 2010

Smalls is Seven

I'm so grateful for the fact that 2 of our family birthdays are in the first month and a half of the year. The lull after Christmas/New Year's holidays...yuck.

Andrew "Smalls" turned 7 on January 31 - for the first time it fell on a weekend day so his party was on his actual birthday. Because the boys birthdays are so close together, we trade "party years" - this is Andrew's year. He chose to have his party at Skate City indoor rollerskating rink - a blast from the past for some of the parents! (Rollerama, anyone? Couples skate?) Jason bravely put on those rental skates and got out there with CC (her first time!) and he's a natural (sorry, no pictures, you'll have to take my word for it.) I will tell you that the rental skates had such an impact on Jason that he immediately washed his feet and threw out his socks when we got home!

Our church has a tradition of calling down everyone who's birthday is that week and singing "Happy Birthday" to them, and after mass they get a gift of candy (Starburst!) We went on Saturday night, which we normally don't do, and Andrew was the ONLY person who came down for the birthday song...have never seen that. So our little shy guy was then sung to by the entire church, in front of everyone - he actually really loved it!
Andrew's choice of birthday dinner: shrimp, artichokes, and baked beans (really!) Brendan decorated his birthday cake with an Indiana Jones theme. It was a fun day, and I do believe that Andrew truly felt special and loved...all we really wanted out of it. Our awesome little bug!

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