Monday, April 26, 2010

Sports and more sports

We finally got back into baseball and soccer this week, after a week and a half of rain, rain, some snow, more rain. It's not supposed to rain in Colorado!
Brendan has been catcher almost every game lately - could not have predicted it but it's really working for him and the team. Some of those games can get pretty stressful when there's always someone on 3rd just waiting to steal home! But he's doing a great job.

Andrew is playing soccer in addition to baseball, but the soccer season is almost over. A video of him in action!! You get to listen to the famous Colorado spring winds....and some cheering for Andrew.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Play Ball!

This day had been long awaited at our house...American West Little League opening day - April 10! The day started at 7:15am as the teams gathered in the parking lot of the high school, to get ready to parade to the ball fields for opening day ceremonies. Donuts were many we had to throw some away. (Please note the Little Caesar guy - PizzaPizza!)

Brendan is a Fireball - he's on a Minors team this year for the first time. Jason has been his coach for a couple years now so it's a big change for him to have a new coach! And boy, does one year make a difference - we now keep score (not that we didn't before, but now it's official) and the whole feel is a bunch more "serious." Brendan loves it though. This is the first time that kids are pitching (vs coaches or machines) so the innings are looooooooonnnnnggg...lots of balls, walks. But when there is a hit - very exciting.

Andrew is a Tiger for the 2nd year. Jason (along with 2 other dads/friends) is coaching, and pitching most games. Andrew lives and breathes this sport - he got 2 outs his first game!

For opening day, we told both of them that if they got a home run, we'd give them $20. Didn't happen : ) so we've extended this offer for the whole season. They each had a list of "what if's..." What if it lands half an inch from the fence? What if it hits a bird and then falls but it would have been a home run?

Somehow, I've grown to love baseball. Seeing my little guys all done up in their baseball gear is just the best. I'm truly excited for the season starting, and am dying to get to a Rockies game. How lucky are we to live so close to a MLB team? And one that might even go to the World Series again this year?! (by the way, it's official this year - we rooted for the Rockies over the Mets!)

Monday, April 12, 2010

All About CC

CC searching for her Easter basket, with a little help from Brendan. It does go a little long...warning. And in case you didn't catch it, "Izzy fawted"....Izzy is our new-ish cat and often gets blamed for such things. (Andrew was in the room also, so we'll never know...)

This is CC's choice of outfit for Easter morning - got herself dressed from head to toe, including combat helmet. Not sure why the binoculars were not out during the basket search. The antler behind is coincidental placement - it's actually on the waterfall.

Then the princess picture...This is CC's best little bud, Megan. They take turns wearing the dresses, shoes, and then put on singing and dancing shows, and generally wave their arms about in a princess-like manner. The voices get higher. Too funny.

Last but not least, we had a scissor incident at the Baker house. Made it through 9 years without this particular action - but CC had 2 minutes in front of a mirror and chopped off a hunk of her ponytail! I think I was more traumatized than anyone. Her hair is fabulous! How could she! : )

Monday, April 5, 2010


The last few years I've had these big ideas of how to make really amazing, Martha-Stewart style Easter eggs (well, they aren't MY ideas - I read them or see on TV)...and each year they fail miserably. (This year - put small leaves on the egg, secure with pantyhose, dip in dye. Turned out looking like...just a regular dyed egg, no leaves visible.) What I REALLY should learn is - buy more eggs. A LOT more. There are never enough, especially as J and I both like doing a few. (J's alien egg is below.)
The Easter Bunny hides the baskets in our house (sounds familiar to the Bruns side) and this year, the boys woke up early, found ALL of them, put them all back, then came upstairs to wake us up. Since CC loves candy above all else, this was a great morning for her!
We had an awesome day. After STANDING at mass (when, when will I learn to get there early enough?) and enjoying the beauty and happiness of the morning - we had some friends over in the afternoon for a late lunch and egg hunt. Not organized enough to have pictures of the egg hunt - but one note is that the boys (had 13 kids total here, 1/2 of them boys) had to give the girls a minute head start because of some peeking/cheating that went on while the adults were hiding the eggs. Jason made Papa's famous Gin Fizz recipe, and we sat outside on the patio in the 70degree sunshine enjoying them. We so wish we could be with our families on these special holidays - hope yours was fantastic!