Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Play Ball!

This day had been long awaited at our house...American West Little League opening day - April 10! The day started at 7:15am as the teams gathered in the parking lot of the high school, to get ready to parade to the ball fields for opening day ceremonies. Donuts were EVERYWHERE...so many we had to throw some away. (Please note the Little Caesar guy - PizzaPizza!)

Brendan is a Fireball - he's on a Minors team this year for the first time. Jason has been his coach for a couple years now so it's a big change for him to have a new coach! And boy, does one year make a difference - we now keep score (not that we didn't before, but now it's official) and the whole feel is a bunch more "serious." Brendan loves it though. This is the first time that kids are pitching (vs coaches or machines) so the innings are looooooooonnnnnggg...lots of balls, walks. But when there is a hit - very exciting.

Andrew is a Tiger for the 2nd year. Jason (along with 2 other dads/friends) is coaching, and pitching most games. Andrew lives and breathes this sport - he got 2 outs his first game!

For opening day, we told both of them that if they got a home run, we'd give them $20. Didn't happen : ) so we've extended this offer for the whole season. They each had a list of "what if's..." What if it lands half an inch from the fence? What if it hits a bird and then falls but it would have been a home run?

Somehow, I've grown to love baseball. Seeing my little guys all done up in their baseball gear is just the best. I'm truly excited for the season starting, and am dying to get to a Rockies game. How lucky are we to live so close to a MLB team? And one that might even go to the World Series again this year?! (by the way, it's official this year - we rooted for the Rockies over the Mets!)


  1. Look at those players! Brendan and Andrew look very official in their very cool uniforms. Wish we could come see a game.
