Monday, April 5, 2010


The last few years I've had these big ideas of how to make really amazing, Martha-Stewart style Easter eggs (well, they aren't MY ideas - I read them or see on TV)...and each year they fail miserably. (This year - put small leaves on the egg, secure with pantyhose, dip in dye. Turned out looking like...just a regular dyed egg, no leaves visible.) What I REALLY should learn is - buy more eggs. A LOT more. There are never enough, especially as J and I both like doing a few. (J's alien egg is below.)
The Easter Bunny hides the baskets in our house (sounds familiar to the Bruns side) and this year, the boys woke up early, found ALL of them, put them all back, then came upstairs to wake us up. Since CC loves candy above all else, this was a great morning for her!
We had an awesome day. After STANDING at mass (when, when will I learn to get there early enough?) and enjoying the beauty and happiness of the morning - we had some friends over in the afternoon for a late lunch and egg hunt. Not organized enough to have pictures of the egg hunt - but one note is that the boys (had 13 kids total here, 1/2 of them boys) had to give the girls a minute head start because of some peeking/cheating that went on while the adults were hiding the eggs. Jason made Papa's famous Gin Fizz recipe, and we sat outside on the patio in the 70degree sunshine enjoying them. We so wish we could be with our families on these special holidays - hope yours was fantastic!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was a wonderful Easter. I don't think anyone makes Martha Stewart eggs except Martha Stewart! I enjoy your decorated eggs and as always can't get over how grown up your kids look. We missed you at Easter too:)
