Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So, Tuesday it was 78 degrees. Gorgeous, made me want to go to the garden store and plant seeds. One week ago? Foot and a half of snow - and a snow day on Wednesday for the kids. A crazy, all-of-a-sudden storm - the kind you don't want to be driving in. Our power went out quite a few times. (Brendan was baking brownies for the first time - did it start-to-finish. Poor guy freaked out a bit when the power kept going out. Brownies actually turned out perfect!)

CC really wanted to go sledding (her favorite) but settled for some snow sculpting in the front yard. It was PERFECT snow for it - heavy, wet, and packable, not the fluffy stuff we get before spring. In addition to the snowguy, we made snowcat. CC put the buttons on his back. Boys built a fort with some neighbor kiddos that they were actually able to slide through.

Brendan entered the Science Fair at school for the first time this year. Topic: Conductive properties of Wood, Metal, and Citrus Fruit. Kermit is there to draw in the audience. : ) (actually, this was Brendan's idea - he is promoting "Go Green - and holding a CFL lightbulb) J and I helped quite a bit (J more than I) but B sure was proud of his finished product. It was very cool to walk around the gym and see all the cool things these elementary kids put together- non-mandatory! B has to work on the scientific method a bit - for him it's not so much a hypothesis, it's more like "the right/only answer."

The last picture is just one I really like...CC showing Daddy some love.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like lots of fun stuff going on at the Colorado Bakers-Jason getting hugged really good from Cecelia,Brendan just might inherit some of his Dad's baking skills-love Mema
