Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Bought the tickets back in November, and finally in March went to see Mary Poppins at the Buell Theater downtown. Note: we got preview night tickets which are an absolutely amazing bargain - this is the 2nd time I've done this and will do again any chance I get. It's the night before the "official" opening night, so officially mistakes can happen - but have had no issues.

It was just the boys and I - on a Wednesday night at 7:30pm. They wanted to dress up and "get handsome" so wore their ties and dress shoes. Andrew's suit that we bought for Stephanie's wedding in September completely did not fit! So we made do with some of Brendan's clothes. We went out to dinner first, at a restaurant a couple of blocks from the theater. Just walking downtown with the boys was fun - sometimes I forget what a city girl I really am. Restaurant was Italian and the boys ordered pizza - love my Andrew but a sloppier eater you never saw. Together we put 5 napkins to cover every inch of his white shirt (with sleeves rolled up to his biceps.)

The theater even has "booster seats" for kiddos - a fat cushion they sit on to raise them up and see better. We had orchestra seats - right in the center. The show was wonderful - the boys really loved it. (they started to get a little nervous about "so many girls!!" in the theater and the area around it, but got over it once the show started) They changed the story a little bit (no Suffragettes!) but the songs were all there. Andrew during Feed the Birds - "Mom, whats a top end?" I could never figure that out as a kid! You could hear people singing during some of the songs (not me...I would have been told very sternly to be quiet)

All in all, a truly special night - loved going on a date with my boys. Even if they did fall asleep on the drive home!


  1. Thanks for sharing. It sounds like a great time! - Here's something on the tuppence- Mike

  2. Lucky woman to have two handsome dates, bet Dad and Cecelia had fun also, love Mema
