Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ahoy matey...

We have a new member of our family! It lives in our garage, and is patiently waiting for spring and summer, as are we.

We have a fishing boat! We have talked so often about how we'd love to have a boat, we wish Colorado had more lakes, etc. - a love of water is something that our whole family shares. So we took the plunge, leap of faith, etc. and here she is! J has been spending a lot of time in the garage/man cave and getting her ready to go on the water as soon as possible (when the ice melts!) She's a 15hp, 14' 1983 SmokerCraft - and needs a new name! Kids love hanging out inside her, particularly CC, who has "caught" several pieces of candy already!

1 comment:

  1. She's a fine looking boat, but that crew of scallywags leaves a lot to be desired,
    Love, Papa
