Sunday, June 6, 2010

End of the (school) year stuff

CC had a dance recital in May - she takes ballet class on Monday mornings. You can see from the top picture how the class usually goes! The recital was at a high school and it's extra confusing for the girls - who are used to their teacher standing right in front of them doing the dance with them - because the teacher is offstage! CC loved it though, told everyone we saw all day that she had a "sital" that night - it's great for brothers to watch her for once after all the games she sits through!

Went to a Rockies game May 16th - our first of the season - vs. the Washington Nationals (we won.) The Rockies Rookies Club kids got to run the bases after the game - see video - that's CC in the light purple tshirt running up to Dinger (the mascot) at the beginning - then you'll see the boys racing each other around. Andrew used this as proof that Brendan cheated because he didn't touch 3rd base!

The boys had Field Day in May at school also - all the kids play a bunch of games outside (shoe kick, frisbee toss, ping-pong ball on a spoon, etc.) - they have a pin that they get colored stickers on, the color depending on if they came in 1st, 2nd or 3rd - or anything else. CC loved field day - for some reason it was all about Brendan that morning - she wouldn't leave his side (had to for the 3-legged race) The field is huge - hard trying to watch both boys events! See video of Andrew winning a 1st place sticker (well, it was a tie but still got that blue sticker) - how happy he is. He is a super-competitor - did not win the frisbee toss and it was not a happy moment!<>


We've also just learned our awesome friends, Kathy & Mike Maness, are moving to Virginia. We will miss them incredibly - they are our family here in Colorado - but are excited about this next adventure in their lives. We are plotting vacations! The kids are so sad - it's one of those rare situations where everyone gets along awesomely - they've grown up together! That's Brendan and Kailey at age 4 on our annual camping trip - and the bottom picture is of Brendan, Kailey, Andrew, Jackie this month. We love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. CC is definitely the CUTEST dancer on stage. And Leanne is jealous of Brendan, Andrew and CC running the bases. They do not let that type of thing happen at Yankee Stadium.
