Thursday, June 10, 2010


Sometimes I feel like this blog can appear to be one big, long, "Christmas Letter" - you know the kind. I guess I can't help that - but it's not my intention - this is really just a way to keep our far-away family and friends connected to the little (or big) details of our lives, since we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like. So, you won't see any pictures of my house the day we get home from camping (disaster) (ok, not just on the days we get home from camping) nor any videos of me hollering at Brendan to "find your goggles! now! Melissa is here to take you to swim practice!" - probably not any long stories about J and I watching Law & Order on Wednesday nights either. Those are also parts of our lives, just not so interesting. : )

Because of the boat, we've been spending much more time at Standley Lake - and we've always liked going up there. We went up there the other day just to fish at the shoreline, brought our neighbor Evan, who hangs out with the boys. This blog is making me think about bringing my camera along with me more often - at times I wouldn't normally have thought to do so. That's a good thing.

Can I mention that CC is on my lap right now? Drawing triangles. Making it a bit difficult to type. But still very cute.

Brought my camera to school the last week to take pictures to finally start creating my proto-types of school-year-in-a-book for boys. A couple here. The school year ending always makes me a bit sad - I feel so involved in the school and the boys lives there. Also, Andrew's teacher this year was Brendan's teacher for the 2 prior years, and she's fabulous - hard to imagine not having a child in her classroom!

I thought it would be fun in these elementary years to see both the lunch box and backpack the kiddos used that year...that will be part of the book. I would love a photo of my Apple Dumpling Gang metal lunchbox!!

3rd grade was a big year for Brendan. He was probably most excited about learning cursive. In doing so, however, he's realized how bad Mom's handwriting is, and that it's not really printing, not really cursive - a sad mix of the two. Also got the multiplication tables down - that made him seem so much older to be quizzing him on that!
Now summer's here!! I am so very happy about it. I love being able to relax with the boys more, the green grass and flowers, my garden, the sun rising so early in the morning, eating ice cream, lots of ice cream, sitting outside at night, open windows....ahh.

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