Tuesday, June 15, 2010


We spend soooooo much of our summer in the pool I thought I'd include a few pictures.
Brendan is on the swim team for the neighborhood (Westbrook Stingrays!) so he has practice every morning from 8-9am. Most mornings CC, Andrew and I watch and enjoy breakfast by the pool before the heat of the day - but Brendan is just starting to ride his bike the 4 blocks or so with a neighbor to practice on the off-chance that CC sleeps in ("sleeping in" for CC - or any of the kids for that matter - is 7:30am. Doesn't matter how late they were up) Big kid stuff!

CC just started her very first swim lessons. She was not a fan the first day - didn't want to get in - but is warming up to the idea. She's fine in there with me and her floatie - it's just the "lesson" idea I guess. Here she is doing a back float!
And then...CC in a bikini. She loves it - although she was confused by it at first (underwear?) - rubs her belly a lot while she wears it.

The whole family went out on the lake the other day - only the 2nd time for that. Guess that 8am swim practice is taking a toll on Brendan....he took a snooze while we were out.

Pretty sunset on the lake....
Did I mention that I LOVE summer???!!!

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